A few months into 2014, I realized I had WAY too many goals. I won’t embarass myself by listing how many, but quickly into the new year I decided to simplify my goals. I may have still done a dreadful job of completing very many of them, I still published three ebooks, got my website Mark S. R. Peterson.com up and running, paid off our car (we have no car loans whatsoever!), signed up for the Goodreads Author Program, and submitted at least twice to the Writers Of The Future contest.
My three published works this year were:
Killzone: Book 1 of the Shadowkill Trilogy
The Things They Collected (free short story)
If Walls Could Talk: A Terrifying Short Story Collection
I am also not exclusive with any online publishing platform. My ebooks are found everywhere–and right now, Guest Of Honor, my free novelette, is selling like crazy on the iBooks store.
2014 has been good to me.
And I believe 2015 will be even better. I have also simplified my goals even more. For starters, I have two focuses: publishing and weight loss.
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